Questions on Writing

Question: How do you write so much, and so consistently?
Answer: For me, a good outline is important. I will give myself ample time to produce a quality outline. Then I will bang out a first draft by writing 2000-6000 words a day. If I know where I’m going I can write a lot and very fast. This first draft isn’t ever great quality because it’s always completed by trying to push through the narrative to the end without thinking too hard about the specific words. I will always take some extra time adding some flourish, some cream in the second draft. A lot of people call this a “zero draft.” – But I really am not that consistent. There are several weeks I take off to work on outlines. Other times my mental health gets in the way of my writing as well, but I just give myself some time, and try to be kind to myself. Slowly get back to writing.

Personal Questions

Question: Is Arcade Link your real name?
Answer: Yes. Arcade Link is my real name. But is anything REALLY real?
It’s not the name I was given at birth. My birth name was normie stuff like “Tom Jones” and “John Green.”

Question: Why did you choose “Arcade Link” as your name?
Answer: I’m a nerd and I love the Zelda series. Arcade shortens to Cade, which is a name I really like. That’s really it. Also it reminds me of the name of the main character from the excellent 2000 film Titan A.E., but that’s just a bonus.