Contact & Links

Arcade Link’s Author Links
Facebook | @ArcadelinkAuthor
Twitter (X) | @ArcadelinkAutho (no R because the limit is 15 charactersđź’€)
Youtube | Arcade Link Author
Tik Tok | @ArcadelinkAuthor
Instagram | @ArcadelinkAuthor
Linktree | ArcadeLinkAuthor
Email | Contact Form Below (Temporarily removed because of spam, please contact via Facebook or X/Twitter)

Arcade Link Interactive, Arcades Game Development

The Video Game Crash, Arcade Link’s Emo/Pop-Punk/Chiptune Music Project
Apple Music
Facebook | @TheVideoGameCrash
Twitter | @TheVGCrash_Band
Instagram | @TheVGCrash_Band

Support me?
You can buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi
Or pay whatever you like for one of my albums on BandCamp
Or one of my games on

Supporting me in some way earns you my deepest gratitude, but I cannot offer anything else in return. <3

Contact Form

(Arcade’s birth name is not a secret, and also not necessarily a dead name for them, but they only use it when it comes to anything government related. With everyone else they use the name Arcade Link, so refer to them as such! Thanks. ?)

****CONTACT FORM TEMPORARILY REMOVED. Contact on Twitter or Facebook, for now.***